Our values, our way of understanding “doing business”
The international standard, SA 8000, is the first standard in the world to measure the ethical extent and social responsibility of companies. Euro Stampaggi decided to take inspiration from the requirements laid out in SA 8000 and obtained certification for it in January 2015. A decision taken not only as a result of the management team’s sensibility to the issues covered by the standard, but also as a result of the assessment of the economic, social and cultural context in which the company operates, and of the collaboration with customers/partners in the field of social responsibility.
Hence, the decision was to be “socially responsible”, to work towards integrating well in the environment and in the community of reference. New global economic dynamics cannot fail to take into account certain fundamental issues such as respecting human rights, respecting the rights of workers, taking a stand against child exploitation and ensuring a healthy and safe workplace.
Embracing the principles of SA 8000 means, for Euro Stampaggi, formalising those commitments which have always characterised a certain way of doing business, namely the pursuit of development based on enhancing and safeguarding people, rejecting every and any form of discrimination, and developing and nurturing young workers.
This attention has resulted in the preparation of the company’s Code of Ethics, a fundamentally important document which lays out the guidelines covering the conduct to be adopted in dealings with colleagues, customers, and every collaborator and public institution.
We intend, with the Code of Ethics, to clearly indicate the principles and values we want to be known for and which have to drive every individual who works for or on behalf of Euro Stampaggi as they perform their daily activities. Any person who wishes to work with us, whether as an employee, a supplier or a collaborator, must sign, accept and follow our Code of Ethics.