Seven autonomous and independent companies, one unique service
The Euro Stampaggi Group is made up of seven companies: Euro Stampaggi, LCS Stamp, Euro MIM Toscana, Euro MIM Veneta, Modulo Freddo, Pa.Co. Stampi, Pa.Co. Incisioni. Every company in the group adheres to the same philosophy which, over the years, has come to characterize the operations of the parent company, Euro Stampaggi: orientation to market needs with the utmost attention to service and product quality.

Around three hundred individuals work in the Euro Stampaggi Group all of whom share the same ambitious goal to offer customers the positive particular attributes of two different production worlds that characterise the Group: that of the Group, which can offer customers the fruit of its investments in research, in product diversification and in the professionalism and specificity of roles; and that of the independent company, which can completely satisfy customer requirements in full autonomy, with speed and responsiveness.
One of the strengths of this approach is given by dialogue, which is fundamental at every level: between the various companies, with suppliers, with customers, between the departments in a facility, between new and old generations. Dialogue means being able to design and plan production by taking account of the spaces, the particular details in question and the excellence found in the various companies. Likewise, it is through dialogue with suppliers that incredible partnership opportunities can be taken in order to create benefits that can be passed on to the end customer.
Within a Group, new and stimulating opportunities can be offered to personnel who want to grow and learn. And it is also possible to diversify the offer by materials, technologies used and by services, in order to present the Group to the market as always current with developments.
Having multiple facilities in different areas allows the Group to provide delivery guarantees, including in the event of extreme, adverse weather, accidents, breakdowns, socio-political events and other unforeseen events that might impact production at one particular facility.
But being in a group does not mean depriving companies of their unique strengths since each company operates in the market in complete autonomy. This is why each company in the Group is structured in order to be able to provide customers with a fully comprehensive service, from evaluating the request, to preparing an estimate or a design, up to production, delivery and after-sales support.
In chronological order, coming last is the challenge of Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) with the establishment of two companies dedicated to this leading edge technology: Euro Mim Toscana in Scandicci and Euro Mim Veneta in Fonzaso in Belluno. The production potential of these two companies is approximately four million pieces per year but these are purely hypothetical numbers. What matters is being able to make this potential available to customers and, therefore, being able to manage their entire process with the required care and attention, as is typical of the Euro Stampaggi Group.