Euro Mim Veneta

In January 2023, a new company was formed in the facility at Fonzaso in the province of Belluno, Euro Mim Veneta. This company was created with the aim of focusing strongly on highly innovative products by increasing the entire Research and Development area thanks also to the support coming from the synergy it has with the rest of the Euro Stampaggi Group. In fact, the synergies that can arise between the two companies dedicated to the MIM process in Tuscany and Veneto and the Euro Stampaggi Group are considered the trump card in a delicate balance between experimentation skills, technological innovation and professional experience.

The plant is designed to minimise CO2 emissions and produce alternative energy, including process gases. To date, 50 percent of the needs have already been covered, but the goal is that of total self-sufficiency. In this, the new Venetian company has the task of leading the way for all the companies of the Euro Stampaggi Group, which has already been engaged for some time in the search for innovative solutions for reducing the environmental impact.

Euro MIM Veneta s.r.l.
Via De Zorzi Luigi G.DI.F, 5 – 32030, Zona Industriale Fonzaso (BL) – Italy
Registered office: Viale Spartaco Lavagnini, 42 – 50129, Florence (FI) – Italy

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